M is for

The man (?) who purchased the Hyde &
Teller Co. in 1918 and renamed it Carnivàle
is referred to only as Management. He
occupies a space in the rear of Samson's
trailer and communicates his wishes through
Samson. He is never heard or seen by the
other carnival folk, but they accept his
existence without question. That is, until
Samson tells the carnies that they going
South, off circuit, to depressed towns
like Babylon that other carnivals refuse
to play. Samson's bizarre instructions,
combined with the tragic deaths of fellow
troupe members, lead some to speculate
Samson's lying and there really ain't
no Management.
"What do you think, that I been
lying to you all these years? That I been
sitting next to you, telling stories,
pulling the whole thing out of my ass?
Is that what you think of me? If he don't
want to be seen, then he ain't gonna be
seen, I suppose. He can do that. He can
do lots of things." - Samson (106)
N is for New Canaan:

In one of his visions, Justin foresees
a massive building with radio towers.
He decides to build a new church in this
location. The church, he names The Temple
of Jericho. The land, New Canaan. The
area becomes a Christian compound of over
17,000 souls. Justin supplies his flock
with food, shelter, medicine... and a
lot of propaganda. In Jonesy's estimation,
the preacher has built himself an army.
"Everyone in New Canaan has
something in common. What brings us together,
what bonds us as a community, is that
everyone one of us at some point has been
discarded. Thrown away like scraps. I
know that you have been in hurt in the
past. Thrown away. But you are with God's
people now. You're safe here." -
Iris (210)
is for Old Cherry Blossom Road:

the hills of Ingram, Texas, there is a
road that leads to a house wherein dwells
The Crone. Ben's cousins Lee, Alvin, Ern
and B-Dub keep The Crone (Emma Hilton)
locked in a bedroom on the second story
of the house. According to Alvin, the
old gal crazy as a shithouse rat. Like
most women who give birth to Avatars,
Emma went insane and killed nearly her
whole family. Emma tells Ben about his
father and their noble family line, which
included her second husband Hilton...
a friend of General Nate Forrest and mighty
powerful Grand Dragon. (They had great
plans for this country.) Emma then gives
Ben the dagger required to kill The Usher
and tells him to go where the dog and
wolf howl at the moon.
"The night your daddy was born
she went and got herself a boning knife.
Killed every last one of them. Grandpa
Hilton, Uncle Owen, Gilbert... Alvin Senior.
She went bed to bed, slit their throats.
After she was done she clawed her eyes
out. In the morning they found her in
the kitchen, sitting there, singing...
Abide with Me." - Ern (203)
P is for (Dust) Pneumonia:

The dust storms that plagued the heartland
caused the largest migration in the country's
history. Some of the migrants, or Okies,
settled in camps along the highways of
Mintern, California and sought religion
with Brother Justin's ministries. Justin
considered the ecological disaster that
was The Dust Bowl a "harbinger of
the Apocalypse" but scientists would
later blame the black blizzards on drought,
high temperatures, wind erosion, and failures
of crop and livestock management. Persons
that inhaled unhealthy amounts of loose
topsoil sometimes died of Dust Pneumonia.
Becca Donovan of Tipton succumbed to this
condition shortly after the carnival's
arrival in her town. She refused the healing
of Ben(jamin St. John) as she knew the
costs associated with Avataric powers,
having once romanced Henry Scudder.
"Sad thing about the Donovans.
Used to own half this here town. Pretty
nearly the only thing she's got left now
is that big old house... and a shovel
full of dust in her lungs." - Farmer
Q is for Queen of the Gypsies:

Sofie's mother Apollonia Bojakshiya was
a renowned seer on the Eastern seaboard.
She was billed as "The Queen of the
Gypsies" and is indeed Roma. Before
joining the carnival, she and Sofie had
a proper home in St. Paul, Minnesota where
they did readings. After Apolonnia's onset
of catatonia, the mother and daughter
traveled as a tarot act. When Ben joins
Carnivàle, Appy insists Sofie read
the boy's cards. They are The Moon, Death
and The Magician, reversed. The reading
prompts Ben accept a truth: he has been
squandering his talents for much too long.
Although it appears Apollonia psychically
feeds such hidden knowledge to Sofie,
it is actually Sofie who has always read
the cards.
"My mother always told me that
my father left her. He didn't. He raped
her. I saw it in my head like I hear her
voice. She sees things that no one else
does. The present, the past, it's all
the same to her. And I'm starting to see
it too." - Sofie (109)
R is for Roustabouts:

The men that tote junk off trucks, and
set up tents and lights, are known as
roustabouts. Affectionately, rousties.
When Ben comes to the carnival, he joins
their esteemed ranks despite Jonesy's
disapproval. After the carnival leaves
the circuit and starts setting up shows
in the middle of nowhere, many of the
roustabouts who haven't been paid since
Milfay threaten to bolt. Jonesy implores
Samson to talk to Management, but Samson
knows that won't do a damn bit of good.
"Stick to telling the rousties
where to put their tents. That's where
your talent lies, little man." -
Lodz (110)