G is for
The Gospel of Matthias:

This book of arcane lore describes the
creation of Earth, Man, and the struggles
between Heaven and Hell, which begat Avatars
and magicks. It also speaks of how a Prophet
may kill another of his kind to receive
a boon (knowledge and powers). Wilfred
Talbot-Smith tells Justin he must find
and kill Scudder so that Justin can fulfill
his destiny as The Usher. Smith gives
Justin a copy of the gospels for further
reading. Scudder also owns a copy, which
he stole from the Templar Hall in Loving,
New Mexico after befriending their chaplain
Kerrigan. This may or may not be the same
copy that Ben inherits from Management.
"'By the hand of the Prince,
the Prophet dies. Upon his death, the
Prince shall rise.' The Gospel of Matthias.
Chapter 3, verses 26 through 28. You have
to kill him. You have to kill him with
your own hands. Scudder. Henry Scudder."
- Talbot-Smith (201)
H is for Harlot:

Rumor says that three rousties (or maybe
it was three pinheads and an albino named
Freddie Neff) were strung up in Babylon,
back in '32, just so folks could watch
em dangle. On Management's orders, the
company heads to Babylon anyway. At night,
miners shuffle from the darkness and into
the carnival. Dora Mae performs the blow-off
despite Samson's objections. The tent
collapses as the miners attempt to grab
her from the stage. Later, Jonesy finds
one of the carnies hanging from a tree
with the word "Harlot" carved
in her forehead. He and others go into
town, looking to hold someone accountable
for the crime, but they find no sign of
life. There are no men left in Babylon.
"The miners, they set out to
take matters into their own hands. They
were going to string Scudder up. He wasn't
going to have none of that, no sir. That's
when it happened. A cave-in wiped out
the whole company. Terrible thing. I was
there. I saw it. And then the next night...
they came back. Every one of them. Every
one of them, came back.... They just keep
coming back." - Stangler (106)
is for In Hoc Signo Vinces:

Templars were an ancient order of warrior
monks tasked by the Roman Catholic Church
during the Crusades to identify Avatars
and protect those deemed "Creatures
of Light." In modern times, the Benevolent
Order of Templars are little more than
members of recreational men's clubs, but
a small inner-circle of enlightened members
was able to identify and locate Henry
Scudder when he was in St. Louis. The
words "In Hoc Signo Vinces"
were inscribed on a ring that belonged
to Templar member Phineas Boffo, as well
on a watch fob that belonged to Scudder.
Ben translates the phrase as "By
this sign, we conquer."
"How did you know what he was
saying? Where the hell did you learn Latin?"
- Samson (109)
J is for (Knights of) Jericho:

Recently released prison inmate Varlyn
Stroud heads Brother Justin's personal
security detail, which Justin dubs The
Knights of Jericho. According to Justin,
Stroud has extensive experience in matters
of physical security. Iris muses that
Stroud is simply a thug, but to Justin,
he is an apostle and archangel. The other
Knights are mostly ex-cons and degenerates
who share in Justin's dream of New Canaan.
They don't have special training, just
"You'd be surprised how many
people would like to see Brother Justin
dead." - Willie (211)
K is for KZAK

After the fire at the Dignity Ministry,
Justin sits around a campfire and tells
Tommy Dolan of how he lost his God. Unbeknownst
to Justin, Dolan is a reporter who will
repeat Justin's misfortunes on his radio
program True Tales from on the Road. Listeners
are greatly moved by Justin's plight and
send the Crowes money to rebuild their
church. Justin senses that he can use
a man like Dolan to spread his sermons
to the masses. KZAK becomes home to Brother
Justin's Church of the Air. Buried within
broadcasts are messages and instructions
that cause some men, like Varlyn Stroud
and Evander Geddes, to behave as Justin's
"It's going to glisten, Norman.
The radio tower alone will be over two
hundred feet tall. In a single coast-to-coast
broadcast I will speak to more souls than
our Lord did in his entire lifetime."
- Justin (203)
L is for Lincoln Highway:

Ben travels this famed transcontinental
highway, also known as "The Main
Street Across America," on his way
to Cheyenne where he intends to intercept
Varlyn Stroud. When he happens upon a
stranded Jonesy and Libby, who have been
assaulted by angry Damascus locals in
response to the Colossus catastrophe,
Ben detours to lend aid. Later, Jonesy
will travel back along the highway to
rendezvous with the carnival while Ben
infiltrates New Canaan.
"You get in the truck and you
drive like hell back to the road. You
lock up all the windows. You lock the
doors. You wait for me. Whatever you do,
don't get out. Something is gonna happen
here. I don't got time to explain it."
- Ben (209)