Hot Time In the Old Town Tonight
artist: unknown
occurs: Justin dreams that he is
being pursued by a beast in a cornfield,
and sees the carnival in the distance.
* HBO's website describes this song
as playing while Justin chases Ben
through the cornfield.
Versions at the APM Library (CAS
8 Well Known Tunes). NOT CLOSE
Recommended Alternative: The Banjo
Kings version at eMusic (The Banjo
Kings Favorites). CLOSE
When We Count
The Raindrops
artist: Jack Shaindlin
occurs: Cheyenne Motor Court as
Stroud drugs Scudder.
At the APM Library (CINE 4 Dance
Orchestra). EXACT
Take Me Out
To The Ballgame
artist: unknown
occurs: unknown
* Can't locate in show. HBO's website
describes this song as playing during
a flashback of Jonesy on a pitchers'
mound. |