Come, Easy Go
artist: Lee Wiley
occurs: Outside Lodz's trailer as
Jonesy picks up Sofie's things.
+ At AOL MusicNet (With Vocal Refrain
- You Must Have Been A Beautiful
Come On Mama
artist: Georgia Tom Dorsey
occurs: Hotel Astoria as Ben walks
into the prostitutes' room.
* HBO's website lists the artists
as Jane Lucas And Georgia Tom.
Available on a CD called Great Classic
Blues Singers. EXACT
Park March
artist: unknown
occurs: unknown
* HBO's website describes this song
as playing while Sofie wanders around
the carnival, but Sofie is not in
this episode. Perhaps while Samson
discusses Sofie with Jonesy by Colossus.
+ Unconfirmed: At the Opus 1 Music
Library (AVF 133).
Blues Of
The Vagabond
artist: Duke Ellington And His Orchestra
occurs: Rita Sue and Libby perform
their "mirror dance."
At AOL MusicNet, iTunes (The Okeh
Ellington). EXACT
At The Fairground
artist: unknown
occurs: Background carnival music.
Osgood goes looking for Samson.
* HBO's website describes this song
as playing while Libby and Jones
have sex and see Samson and Ben
arrive in a truck.
+ Unconfirmed: At the Opus 1 Music
Library (AVF 133). |